You have landed in the right place to get quick relief from hemorrhoids.
Haemorrhoids are inflamed and swollen veins in your rectal and anal region. Depending on the degree of development, you might experience unpleasant symptoms ranging from bleeding, irritation, itching and chronic pain.

Even though, we habitually say hemorrhoids, the right medical label is pathological hemorrhoids.
Hemorrhoids Trivia
Hemorrhoids are a normal part of the human anatomy. Haemorrhoids are the veins lining the rectal and anal walls. You are in perfectly good health, when these veins are not inflamed and enlarged. However, you have pathological hemorrhoids, when they are swollen and enlarged.
Except in medical school, no one says pathological hemorrhoids anymore.

Piles is a synonym for hemorrhoids. The British spell hemorrhoids, haemorrhoids.
Causes of Hemorrhoids
The specific cause of haemorrhoids has not yet been identified.
However, haemorrhoids are associated with certain conditions; which have led to the conclusion that, haemorrhoids are caused by increased pressures in the large intestines. The most prevalent conditions which increase bowel pressures include: constipation, diarrhea, pregnancy, obesity, aging, ascites, genetics, low fiber-intake, excessive straining during bowel movements and lack of regular exercise.

Any activity which causes an increase in intra-abdominal pressures is susceptible to cause haemorrhoids.
Some studies suggest that some sporting activities like weight lifting could also cause hemorrhoids.
Types of Hemorrhoids
There are 2 types of hemorrhoids: internal and external hemorrhoids.
How can you tell them apart?