Hemorrhoids (piles) are swollen and inflamed veins in your rectal and anal region.
Hemorrhoids grow to the size of little raisins or grapes. Haemorrhoids can cause bleeding, itching and outright pain.
There are two types of haemorrhoids: internal and external. Internal haemorrhoids are painless and develop above the dentate line. External haemorrhoids are painful and develop below the dentate line.
Pregnancy Increases your Proclivity to Develop Hemorrhoids
Bleeding is the most prominent symptom of internal haemorrhoids. You won’t feel any pain. But you will notice bright red blood on your stool, tissue paper and in the toilet bowl.
You can tell that your hemorrhoids are external thanks to two prominent symptoms: pain and peanut-shaped protrusions in your anal region.
External haemorrhoids are itchy and painful because the exterior anal region is covered with pain receptors. Pain receptors are nerve endings which transmit pain signals to your brain.
Internal haemorrhoids are not painful because they develop inside the rectum and the rectal walls do not have pain receptors.

You can diagnose your external hemorrhoids with the help of a mirror. You will be able to see the peanut-shaped outgrowths in your anal region. Theses outgrowths could be as little as raisins or as large as grapes. Their size depends on their stage of development.
Be careful with your diagnosis because internal haemorrhoids can also be seen externally. At an advanced developmental stage, internal haemorrhoids prolapse. Prolapsed internal haemorrhoids protrude outside the anus.
Why do Hemorrhoids occur more frequently during Pregnancy?
The exact cause of haemorrhoids is unknown. However, haemorrhoids are often associated with high intra-abdominal pressures.
The developing fetus amasses weight during pregnancy. The increasing weight continuously exerts ever higher pressures on the lower bowels. This pressure is the principal cause of hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

Hemorrhoids Occur Often During Pregnancy
Your progesterone levels spike during pregnancy. Progesterone induces a relaxation of the veins; thus, making the veins more susceptible to swell under the slightest pressure.
Progesterone also slows down the rhythmic contraction and relaxation of your intestines during metabolism. This slow down can lead to constipation and constipation is a major cause of haemorrhoids.
Relief from Hemorrhoids
Hemorrhoids often disappear postpartum. Childbirth removes the cause of intra-abdominal pressures. Hence, the most natural remedy is just waiting till you give birth.
Of course, the downside to waiting is enduring the irritation and pain.
You can always get safe and natural relief with the help of 100% organic homeopathic treatments.

The advanced venpro home remedy is an all-natural treatment for hemorrhoids. Venapro is the certified choice of OBGYNs and gynaecologists because it deals with both the causes and symptoms.
You can greatly accelerate your recovery by making a few lifestyle adjustments. These adjustments are only effective, if implemented alongside venapro.
Do your kegel exercises regularly!
Kegel exercises increase the circulation of blood in your rectal region. Proper circulation in your anal and rectal region speeds up recovery and can even prevent the occurrence of haemorrhoids in the first place.
Secondly, kegel exercises strengthen your vaginal and urethral muscles; thus, facilitating healing after delivery.

Take a sitz bath for 3 to 10minutes, thrice daily. You can convert your bathtub into a makeshift sitz bath or purchase one from your local drugstore. Warm water is recommended for sitz baths; however, some women have reported that, they experience a more soothing relief by alternating between warm and cold water.
You can also soothe your bum with ice packs, which have been saturated with witch hazel.
Stop straining during bowel movements. Take a dump, when you feel like it. You risk constipation, if you withhold your stool when, you feel the urge.
Maintain impeccable hygiene throughout pregnancy. Clean up with moisturized wipes, after a bowel movement. You can moisture the wipes with water or witch hazel. Above all, do not use perfumed toilet paper.
Lie down rather than sit, when watching TV. Avoid standing for extended periods as this serves to prolong the pressure on your lower abdomen. Excessive standing can also cause the varicose veins in your legs to swell.

Sleeping on Your Side Lowers the Pressure on Bowels
Include beaucoup high fiber foods in your diet. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, bread and beans. Insoluble fiber greatly facilitates your metabolism by retaining water. Drink plenty of fluids. Fluids make your stool soft and gelatinous.
There isn’t a better fluid than good, old water. Drink beaucoup water.

Implementing these effective tips in conjunction with venapro will relief you of hemorrhoids in no time.