Acne Treatment

The treatment for acne is as common as the skin disorder itself. You can get several over-the-counter medications or you can see a doctor for a prescription.


See Pictures of Acne

Without the right knowledge, the choice of the right medication for you can be daunting. The issue then becomes, “what do you need to know; in order to choose the right medication?”


You need to know what causes acne in the first place. Long lasting treatment is only attained by attacking the causes of pimples. The infection is eradicated once the cause is eradicated.

What Causes Acne?

At the root of a blemish are either hormonal imbalances or factors that lead to vasoconstriction. Oftentimes, it could be any given combination of the two factors.


Teenagers are the primary victims of zits because of the tremendous hormonal changes that occur during puberty. During puberty, the bloodstream is awash with salacious sex hormones called androgens.


These androgens are present in both male and female. The main zits-provoking androgens include: testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS).


In addition to androgens, the hormone IGF 1 (insulin growth factor 1) floods the bloodstream of adolescents.


How do these hormones provoke a hickey outbreak?

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Acne Home Remedy

These hormones cause an over-production of sebum. Sebum is healthy skin oil that is produced by the sebaceous glands. Sebum only becomes hazardous, when it is unable to drain from the pores of the dermis.


The physical pimple, that you notice is the result of sebum and dead skin cells accumulating in a clogged pore. An inflammation of the pimple results upon the action of Propionibacterium acnes.


Besides your hormones, other factors that could lead to the clogging of your pores include: smoking, alcohol consumption, poor diet, genetics and obesity.


Some people are simple genetically predisposed to developing hickey. People with a family history of zits are more likely to develop the skin disorder.

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Acne Scars Treatment

Obesity is increasingly become a potent force in zits outbreaks. A casual walk down any Western street will tell you why. There are so many fat people; it is like the new fad in town.


In today’s Western world, being fat is becoming the new cool. There is even a fat acceptance movement being peddled on mainstream TV. The fashion houses have started hiring more plus size models.


The restaurants have changed the sizes of their plates. Airlines have started charging fat people more. Off course, this is not dissuading anyone from getting fat and fatter.


Fat accumulates in the dermis and exerts pressure on your pores from all sides. This pressure constricts the diameter of the pore; consequently, less sebum is able to drain.

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Acne Pills

How to Clear Acne

Getting into shape will tremendously reduce the risk of developing hickey. If you are already infected, getting into shape will greatly reduce its severity.


You must do two things in order to get fit: eat clean and train lean. Increase your intake of carbohydrates (roughage). You need to consume more soluble and insoluble roughage.


Avoid dairy products such as milk and cheese because they contain cow hormones. Instead, eat more roughage like berries, oats and cauliflower.


Furthermore, increase your intake of polyunsaturated fats such as omega-3 fatty acids. Contrary to popular opinion, not all fats are bad. Unsaturated fats actually help alleviate the cardiovascular issues caused by bad fats such as butter.


Exercise regularly. Train for at least 5days per week. Lift weights and do some resistance training. To lose weight, nothing works better than intermittent sessions of intense cardio.

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Vitamins for Acne

Use the powerful clear pores system for deep body wash.


The clear pores system is a phenomenal body cleansing formula made from herbal supplements. The formula produces enzymes that stabilize your hormones.


The clear pores system contains dandelion root extract. Dandelion root penetrates the dermis and safely forces out all toxins. It dilates the pores, thus facilitating drainage.


Dermatologists highly recommend the clear pores system because of its proven track record of effectiveness. Order the highly acclaimed clear pores system now and get rid of your acne.