Venapro is the New Breakthrough Remedy for Hemorrhoids

The award-winning venapro formula provides instant relief from the irritation and torments of hemorrhoids.

Venapro is an all-natural and carefully formulated remedy for hemorrhoids. The time-tested ingredients of venapro can alleviate your pain and irritations in an instant. Even though patients frequently experience instant relief; 48hours is the more realistic time range to expect relief.

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Most hemorrhoids remedies treat only the symptoms. Venapro treats both the symptoms and the cause of hemorrhoids. This unique advantage makes venapro stand out among the other treatments of hemorrhoids.

Remedies, which treat only symptoms, present a monumental medical flaw. You run the high risk of re-contracting haemorrhoids, if you only treat the symptoms. Doctors overwhelmingly prescribe venapro because it treats both the symptoms and cause of haemorrhoids; thus, minimizing your risk of falling sick again.

Hemorrhoids Myths

You are probably familiar with a few myths surrounding haemorrhoids.

The notion that you should be ashamed of hemorrhoids is among the most prevalent myths.

You should not be embarrassed because hemorrhoids are pretty common. By age 50, one in every two persons has had to deal with haemorrhoids at some point in their lives.

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Secondly, we all have hemorrhoids.

Yep!!! You read that rightly. We all have hemorrhoids in our normal and perfectly healthy state. When the veins in your rectal and anal region become swollen and inflamed, then you have pathological hemorrhoids. Even tough, you would be hard pressed to find someone using the term pathological hemorrhoids; it is the appropriate medical label for swollen and inflamed veins in the rectal region.

Now, you are in the know!

What do you know? You know that the medical condition we colloquially refer to as hemorrhoids is actually pathological hemorrhoids.

Lots of people have been sold on the myth that they can get relief from hemorrhoids by consuming fruits and vegetables. I guess that vegans and vegetarians have an incentive in promoting this myth. Fruits and vegetables are good for you and you should consume them regularly.

But, for crying out loud, fruits and vegetables cannot cure hemorrhoids. On the other hand, consuming fruits and vegetables in conjunction with venapro will hyper accelerate your recovery.

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Some advertisements can be misleading. For example, some products claim to permanently keep hemorrhoids away. Only vaccines can permanently keep diseases away. Any advertisement, which purports otherwise, is just a scam. It is really that simple.

Venapro has a 100% success rate for Grade 1 hemorrhoids.

Venapro Ingredients

You might be thinking that venapro is some sort of cream or ointment which you have to apply on the affected region. Be re-assured. Venapro is an oral remedy.

Creams are unattractive for a number of reasons. Creams are cumbersome to apply. Furthermore, the necessity to wash your hands after use; can rapidly become aggravating. Transdermal treatments also require that, you rub hard against the skin of the infected area. This practice is extremely impractical; especially when the affected region is itchy and painful.

Venapro is not a percutaneous cream.

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It is an oral remedy.

Once you order, you will receive the cutting-edge venapro remedy in two separate bottles. One bottle contains supplements, which are to be swallowed, just like you would swallow any other vitamins. The other bottle is a state-of-the-art aerosol to be sprayed twice under the tongue, thrice daily.

The homeopathic ingredients in venapro are the result of extensive scientific research. Every single ingredient is 100% organic.

The ultimate secret to the outstanding effectiveness of venapro resides in the ingenious way, in which, the ingredients have been combined.

The active ingredients in venapro include: horse chestnut, arnica, fluoride of lime, st. Mary’s Thistle, stone root, witch hazel, muriatic acid, krameria’mapato and purified water.

Horse Chestnut

Horse chestnut acts in the lower abdominal area. It alleviates the raw, sharp, shooting pains in the anus. It also stops the bleeding by facilitating the circulation of blood in clotted vessels.

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Arnica is also called Leopard’s Bane. Arnica affects the venous system, diffusing stasis. Any strains in your circulatory system, no matter how remote, could cause tissue degeneration, septic conditions and premature abscesses.

Arnica will diffuse any stasis and re-establish normal circulation.

Fluoride of Lime

Fluoride of lime is an effective ingredient in treating anal fissures. It is also a high caliber weapon against hard, stony glands, varicose and swollen veins.

St. Mary’s Thistle

St. Mary’s thistle soothes hemorrhagic piles, acute anal pain, rectal itching, varicose veins and ulcers.

Stone Root

Stone root decongests pelvic and arterial tensions. Stone root provides relief from the sensation of constriction felt during vascular engorgement.

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Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is the ingredient that relieves you of that raw, pulsating feeling in the rectum. Witch hazel also soothes the coating of veins; thus facilitating relaxation.

Muriatic Acid

Muriatic acid acts as an antiseptic because of its elective affinity for blood. Muriatic acid also provides relief from anal itching and irritation.


Some people experience a feeling of rectal ache, as if the anus were filled with broken glass. A concurrent symptom is a burning anal ache, which often occurs after a stool. Krameria’mapato relieves you of this feeling by soothing the nervous system.

Purified Water

Purified water protects and conserves the purity of homeopathic preparations. It is a standard component of most homeopathic drugs.

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Venapro’s unique and certified combination of these all-natural ingredients guarantees your rapid relief from hemorrhoids.

3 Ultra Aggressive Abs Exercises that Will Grant You Instant Relief from Hemorrhoids

You can immediately get relief from hemorrhoids by practicing a few abdominal exercises daily.

Consistency is the key to this all natural approach. The results are only guaranteed, if you carry out these exercises every single day. The exercises are very easy but it takes self-discipline and a healthy dose of motivation to exercise regularly.

Motivation is the least of your worries. Believe me! You will be highly motivated when those peanut-shaped, hemorrhoid protrusions up your ass start driving you nuts with their irritating itchings. There is one more thing you can do, if the pain and irritations fail to motivate you.

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Remind yourself of the consequences of advanced hemorrhoids.

If you do not react energetically in the early stages, your hemorrhoids will aggravate. Only a surgical intervention can provide relief for advanced hemorrhoids.

Surgical intervention is bad news. Everyone, who makes the effort to research the facts, fiercely rejects surgical intervention. Three out of ten surgical interventions ends up with a permanent medical complication. (Source: Wikipedia)

The failure rate of surgical interventions adds up to approximately 30%. You want to avoid surgery because the dire risks are too great.


Abs exercises offer you the opportunity to avoid surgery.

Abs exercises are not some instant magical cure for hemorrhoids. Venapro is the cure for hemorrhoids. The abdominal exercises are only complementary to the cure.

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Why do you need to abs exercises, if venapro is an adequate cure for hemorrhoids?

Abs exercises serve two purposes:

  1. Prevention,
  2. Acceleration of Recovery.

Prevention is better than cure. Regular exercise and good nutrition will do more for your health than any medication.

If you have already contracted hemorrhoids, abs exercises will turbo-charge your rate of recovery.

What is the cause of Hemorrhoids?

The specific cause of hemorrhoids has yet to be discovered; however, the symptoms are closely associated with an increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

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Any situation which causes an increase in intra-abdominal pressure makes you more susceptible to hemorrhoids. Pregnant women are more vulnerable to hemorrhoids because developing fetus exerts pressure on the lower abdomen. Obese people are more vulnerable to hemorrhoids because the extra fat on their tummies weighs down on the lower abdomen. Other situations which make you more vulnerable to piles include: constipation, diarrhea, ascitis, genetics, aging and poor hygiene.

Here comes the boom: THE COUCH. Prolonged sitting can result to hemorrhoids.

The next time you are all wrapped up and comfy on the couch; zapping through hundreds of TV channels, just remember that, you are risking piles because blood circulation on your rectal region is greatly hampered.

You are also risking a sagging second stomach overlapping your waistline. Without regular exercises, those spicy potato chips dissolving in your mouth will eventually accumulate on your waistline.

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If you want to stay healthy, get that ass off the couch!

3 Dynamic Groundbreaking Abs Exercises

To strengthen your core, there are two muscles of crucial interest:

  1. Rectus Abdominis Muscles
  2. Oblique Muscles

The rectus abdominis are the frontal muscles, which run from your ribcage to your waist. The oblique muscles are on the both sides of your tummy, along your arms.

After years of extensive research conducted in the Biomechanics lab of San Diego State University, Professor Peter Francis identified the 3 most effective abdominal exercises.

You can download the full American Council on Exercises report here.


The three most effective exercises for the rectus abdominus are:

  1. Bicycle abs exercise
  2. Captain’s chair exercise
  3. Abs exercise with a Swiss ball

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The three most effective exercises for the oblique muscles are:

  1. Captain’s chair exercise
  2. Bicycle abs exercise
  3. Reverse Crunch Exercise

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Bicycle Abdominal Exercises

Step 1: Lie on your mat facing up. Raise both thighs till they form a 45% angle to the ground.

Step 2: Without straining your neck, bring in your left knee towards your chest and rise till you touch it with your right elbow. Alternate the movement by bringing in your right knee and rise till you touch it with your left elbow.

Step 3: Do not cheat yourself. Make sure you are using your abdominal muscles to rise. You can easily cheat by contracting your neck or using the momentum to touch your knee.

Courtesy of Expert Village

The test for cheating is simple. You are cheating, if it does not hurt.

Your abs should be screaming in excruciating pain, if you are doing it correctly because your pancreas will be secreting glucagon. Glucagon is the hormone which causes your liver to convert belly fat into glucose.

Step 4: Start by doing 20reps in 3sets. Then add 5reps each week till you can do 50reps in 3sets.

Your abs will be ripped in no time, if you perform the bicycle exercise regularly and CORRECTLY. Your six-packs won’t be chocolate bars. They’ll be solid steel walls capable of deflecting a thousand Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles.

Captain’s Chair Abdominal Exercises

The captain’s chair exercises are the second most effective abdominal exercises.

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The Captain’s chair (power station or knee raise station) is equipment with two handholds; that allow you to work your core, particularly the oblique muscles.

How To Perform Captain’s Chair Abs Exercises

Step 1: Mount on the Captain’s chair. Firmly grip the handholds and lay flat on the back rest.

Step 2: Slowly raise your knees towards your chest, using your abdominal muscles only. Bring your feet back down and repeat the motion.

Step 3: Again, do not cheat yourself. You can easily cheat by using the momentum of your feet to swing your legs up and down.

Courtesy of Empower Your Body

Pain is the litmus test for cheating. If you are not feeling any pain, you are not burning those extra calories around your waistline.

Step 4: Start with 10reps in 3sets then increase by 5reps every week; till you can do 30reps in 3sets.

Every self-respecting gym has a Captain’s chair. If you do not like gyms, you can always install a power station at home.

Swiss Ball Abdominal Exercises

The Swiss ball crunches are the third most effective abs exercise.

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The ball crunch has two unique advantages over the floor crunch.


1. On the floor, part of your torso’s weight is carried by your legs. With the ball crunch, you have to use your abs muscles to move all the weight of your torso.

2. On the floor, there is no risk of falling; hence, you do not strain any additional muscles to balance yourself. With the ball crunch, you are compelled to use additional muscles to remain balanced on the ball.

How to Perform Swiss Ball Abdominal Exercises

Step 1: Intertwine your hands behind your head and lie on the ball facing the ceiling. Position the ball under your lower back.

Step 2: Lift your torso by contracting your abs muscles, just like you would do on the floor. Simultaneously maneuver to remain balanced on the ball.

Step 3: Start with 20reps in 3sets then increase by 5reps each week till you can do 50reps in 3sets.

Courtesy of Empower Network

Unless you are training for the Olympics, these 3abs exercises are utterly sufficient.

Incidentally, these are the same 3 exercises you need in order to develop a ripped pack of abs. In addition, a strong core relieves you of back pain and strengthens the spine.

Furthermore, a flat stomach gives you significant aesthetic and psychological benefits.

You won’t have to switch off the lights before undressing, each time your partner is in the room. You won’t have to lie your way out of not going to the beach, anymore. You are going to finally fit in those dresses which have been serving as museum artifacts in your wardrobe. You will feel unparalleled self-pride as your self-confidence soars into the stratosphere.

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By the fourth week of doing these exercises, hemorrhoids will be the last thing on your mind.

Practical Tips to Speed-up Your Relief from Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids Best Practices

Hemorrhoids prevention is better than cure.

The time-tested adage, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” is the wisest piece of medical advice.

Unfortunately, an apple a day might not be enough to keep the piles away. Some things will forever remain beyond your control. Contracting haemorrhoids is one of those things. You can still fall sick; in spite of living the healthiest lifestyle possible.

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These best practices do not guarantee that, you’ll never contract hemorrhoids. They only mitigate the risk. If you contract hemorrhoids, make sure you take the proper medication before continuing these best practices.

These best practices do not replace treatment. They only assist treatment and speed up your recovery.

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As you already know by now, the advanced venapro formula is the most effective home remedy for hemorrhoids.

High Fiber Nutrition – Best Hemorrhoids Foods

Your meals should have a high constitution of fiber (starch or roughage).

A low fiber intake causes your stool to be dry, hard and infrequent. Dry stools increase the intra-abdominal pressures and cause harmful friction on the rectal walls. Dry stools are also the cause of anal tears and fissures.


Keep in mind that, hemorrhoids are caused by high pressures in the bowels.

If your bowel movements become as infrequent as 3 or less a week; then, you are probably constipated. Constipation is among the leading causes of haemorrhoids.

Hemorrhoids are not the only side-effects of low fiber intake. You are also risking a heart condition and cancer.

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The insoluble fiber in your meals retains water throughout the digestive process. Fiber facilitates digestion because it retains the fluids. The by-products of digestion move smoothly through the intestines because fiber retains the water content of the by-products. By retaining enough water, fiber makes your stool soft, gelatinous and bulky.

Fruits and vegetables are a great source of fiber. They are also generally good for your health.

Hmm! That green spinach suddenly looks yummy.

Other high fiber food sources include: wheat bread, brown rice, oats, nuts, seeds, beans and meat.

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Increase your consumption of fresh oranges. Do not confuse fresh oranges with synthesized orange juice from food companies. Juice from the real physical fruit contains high concentrations of flavonoids.

Flavonoids are one of the most powerful phytochemicals. They boost the health of your veins by improving blood circulation.

Phytochemicals occur naturally in plants as organic chemicals.

A Healthy Colon is the Ultimate Armour against Hemorrhoids

Perform a colon cleanse at least once a year!

Your natural metabolic system is pretty efficient at eliminating wastes. However, it is not 100% efficient. Toxic wastes accumulate on the walls of the bowels and rectum, over time.

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It might sound tautological but toxic wastes are toxic. Your system can tolerate small amounts of toxins. But above a certain threshold, these toxins become hazardous to your health. They are responsible for a host of ailments ranging from hemorrhoids, colorectal cancer, headache, constipation and anal cancer.

People between the ages of 45 to 65 are more vulnerable to haemorrhoids because the efficiency of the metabolic system decreases with age.

A colon cleanse detoxifies and purifies your metabolic system. Unless recommended by your doctor, do not perform a colon cleanse more than twice yearly.

The bowels also contain probiotics. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that assist proper metabolic functions. You shouldn’t perform more than two colon cleanses per year because colon cleansing also eliminates these beneficial bacteria.


Drink plenty of water. Water is good for your health.

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The laxative power of water is the most underestimated health secret. The best cure for constipation is water and bananas. I have used banana and water for years.

Off course, different individuals have different genetics; hence, the banana and water formula might not be for everyone. But, before you jump to enemas and strong chemicals, why not try the natural formula first?

Water softens the stool and facilitates its passage through the bowels and anus.

Over Straining During Bowel Movements

Some health tips are pure common sense.

Take a dump only when, you feel like it. If you feel like it, do not restrain the wastes. Restraining the feces will only increase bowel pressures, thus augmenting your risk of contracting hemorrhoids.

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Think about it! How do you force out stool?

You tighten your muscles and push like crazy. Stop that! You are increasing the pressure in your bowels. High bowel pressure is precisely the cause of hemorrhoids. High pressure in the bowels is exactly what, you want to avoid. If you must force out your stool, exert gentle, intermittent pressure.

Adopt Proper Toilet Habits

The toilet is not the library. Stop reading during your toilet function!

Do not spend more than 5minutes sitting on the toilet. Too much time spent sitting on the toilet will increase your bowel pressure.

If you are certain that, you aren’t done yet, break up your sessions. Continue some other activity; until, you feel the urge to take a dump again.

Use wet towelettes or moist toilet paper to clean up!

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The quality toilet paper matters. The fabric of some dry toilet tissue is as abrasive as sand paper. Piles are the repercussions for skimping on toilet tissue.

When it comes to toilet tissue, moderation is the watch word. Neither skimping nor splurging is productive. Splurging on toilet paper could prove to be nefarious to your health.

Advertisements make perfumed toilet tissue seem like an obvious necessity. Well! They are not necessities.


Perfume, alcohol or bactericide on your tissue paper is an awfully dangerous deal. The only healthy moisture on your tissue paper should be water or pH-neutral fluids. Tissue paper that has been treated with none pH-neutral chemicals (perfumes, alcohols, bactericides) can cause both hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

Never Wash Your Anal Canal with Soap

Use only pH-neutral substances like water to wash internal openings.

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If you slept through anatomy class, here is a reminder for you.

Your anus is not your anal canal. Picture a coca cola bottle! The neck of the bottle is your anal canal and the ring on the top of the bottle is your anus.

Don’t you just love that analogy? Oh! Did I ruin your drink?

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The point is the anus is just the ring at the end of the anal canal. The anal canal is about 1 to 3cm long and ends where the rectum starts.

It is perfectly healthy to wash the anus with soap but not the anal canal. You shouldn’t wash the vagina with soap either. The anal and vaginal walls are lined with mucosa. The mucosal film contains self-purifying probiotics.

The anal canal, vagina and even the urethral opening in the penis are not skin per definition. They do not have sebaceous glands; hence, they do not secret sebum.

Sebum is an oily substance secreted by the skin to protect itself against harmful microorganisms.

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To be scientifically exact, the labia minora (small lips) in the vagina does contain some sebaceous glands. However, these glands do not secrete nearly enough sebum to provide adequate protection from harmful micro-organisms.

After you bathe with soap, the skin quickly secrets sebum to protect itself. The anal, vaginal and penile canals do not have this capability. If you use soap on them, you will be exposing these sensitive regions to a host of infections ranging from chronic inflammation, lichen sclerosus, piles and anal fissures.

Using a Sitz Bath to Gain Momentary Relief from Itching Hemorrhoids

A sitz bath (hip bath) will not cure your hemorrhoids, but it will provide you effective relief.

By now, it should be obvious to you that, physical pain is not the real torture inflicted by haemorrhoids. Yes, piles hurt. But the real agony is mental. Scratching, itching and irritation are your real tormentors.

Worse yet, the anguish sporadically switches on and off, like a light bulb. The main problem is you don’t control the switch. The irritation subsides for a few moments; then, it returns in full force when, you least expect it.

A sitz bath (hip bath) can help you prolong the off switch. While a sitz bath is not a cure, it provides instant relief.

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A sitz bath is any device or system which permits you to soak your bum in water. In a good sitz bath, the water should reach up to your hips.

You can easily create a make-shift sitz bath at home by filling the bathtub with water. It is that easy. You do not have to come up with anything creative. Just fill the bathtub with the right amount of water.

If you love the ingenious stuff, then you can purchase a sitz bath (hip bath) from your local pharmacy. You can also order from Amazon. However, Amazon is not exactly famous for their overnight delivery service. This is obviously an issue, if you are seeking instant relief.

A manufactured sitz bath offers a few practical advantages over your bathtub. You can fit a manufactured sitz bath nicely over the toilet bowl. The advantage is that, you do not have to completely undress each time. In a manufactured sitz bath, fresh water would be constantly poured in while polluted water is steadily drained out. The obvious advantage is that, you do not have to sit in contaminated water.

Warm water is recommended for a standard sitz bath session. However, many people report getting more effective relief by alternating between cold and warm water baths. If you choose to alternate between warm and cold water, each session should last 3 to 5minutes. The recommended duration of the entire session is 20minutes.

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A sitz bath works by:

  1. Cleansing the affected area,
  2. Augmenting the circulation of blood.

Your sitz bath requires only one ingredient: clean water. Some people claim that, they get a more soothing relief by adding salt and vinegar. There is no scientific evidence backing this claim.

However, there is a scientific evidence for adding salt and vinger, when dealing with candidiasis. Candidiasis is a vaginal yeast infection. Adding salt and vinegar to the sitz bath will definitely create an effective soothing relief.

You can experiment with salt or vinegar in your hip bath, if you wish. Scientific evidence or not, there might just be a tinge of truth, in the claims of the advocates of salt and vinegar.

Sitz baths are not only handy for hemorrhoids relief. Sitz baths also provide relief for anal fissures, infections of the bladder, episiotomy, uterine cramps, prostate infections and wide range of infections of the vagina.

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Do not forget to use these hemorrhoids best practices alongside the true remedy: venapro.