Bigger, fuller buttocks - having a fuller buns increases confidence and reproductive health, which combine to give you sexual prowess. As your sexual prowess increases, you can expect a higher sexual market place value and upwards mobility in social hierarchy. In daily life, all of your agility comes from your keister.
Sleep like a baby - one of the most powerful effects of the program is giving you back a good night's sleep. You need at least 6hours of sleep everyday to guarantee the proper development of your gluteus. Sleep will rejuvenate your body and reduce your stress levels.
Get back in the gym- no more laying off in the vain hope your condition will get better by itself. After just a few days of using the sequential flow to Unleash Your Bigger Butt, you'll feel much better, stronger and ready to return to the gym.
Get Ready to Replace Your Wardrobe – Throw out your old jeans. Those old jeans wouldn’t be able to contain your ever expanding booty. Even your current knickers will have to go. Within a few weeks, your arse will be bursting out of your knickers.
If you've been struggling with nagging aches and pains stopping you from working out like a boss, fixing your gluteus problem will bring life back to your body.
I’ve shown you the health and aesthetic advantages of Unleash Your Bigger Butt. I’ve offered you the complete program for a ridiculously low price and two awesome bonuses. In addition, the money-back guarantee pretty much transfers all the risk from you to me.
The next step is up to you. ORDER NOW.
You could read this and simply think to yourself "sounds good, but I can do this myself”. The chances are, if you could do it by yourself, you would have already done it.
Are you thinking of returning in a few weeks? Take you time and think it over. We understand that you are about to spend a substantial amount of money.
Where does that leave your craving for a bigger backside? Will you still be feeling the damaging effects of a flat tooshie, when you hit the gym? Will you still be haunted by the embarrassment of walking around with a flat hindquarter?
A few weeks from now, that nagging shame of flat buns starts to irritate you again. You'll look in the mirror and wonder why you're still unable to shift that last bit of body fat from your tummy.
Three months later, as you’ll be considering spending that money on some clothes to mask your disgraceful butt … but you will not be able to mask it on the beach.
I hope that's not the path set out for you.
Instead, I want to you take the path followed by so many other satisfied gals who've invested in Unleash Your Bigger Butt.
Within days - not hours - of going through the easy-to-follow Key Moves, gals were already writing me to tell me how dramatic the change felt.
You feel invigorated in your core and tall in your posture. And you're sleeping better than ever and are brimming with energy.
By the three month mark, you're looking back at today as the day it all changed and you decided to stride on in life with an hourglass silhouette.
Make the right choice for yourself. Hit the ‘Buy Now’ button below and be ready to complete your card details on the following secure web page. Once all of your details have been completed and payment is made, hit Submit.
Use “Unleash Your Bigger Butt” for 60 days and discover for yourself the difference this incredible sequential flow makes to your backside, sexual appeal and energy level.
If you’re struggling to break through a plateau, with fat loss or trying to hit peak performance, you’ll transform your progress in less than 15 minutes a day with this powerful program.
And if you don’t absolutely love the program and see a huge benefit to your physical and sexual health, I’ll give you all your money back, no questions asked.
Doug Hamilton, MS, RKC, Coach and Aesthetics Trainer
Dedicated Attention!
“With so many women suffering under the plight of flat bottom, this illustrious program “Unleash Your Bigger Butt” is a great tool for any health professional who wants to increase the size, fullness and roundness of the posterior.
At first, I have to admit, I was profoundly nervous about using any program that did not involve a surgical procedure. I only changed my mind after talking to a few women who had gained positive results after using the program.
I was still reluctant, but I began using the program anyway. The results were stunning.
I didn’t measure myself everyday because I wasn’t expecting any phenomenal changes. So, it might come as a shock to you that it wasn’t me who noticed the changes.
It was the attention and looks of admiration from men that first alerted me to the fact that something about me was changing. My butt was growing bigger by the month. When I took measurements of my bottom, I noticed a 2.6inch increase in circumference.
Ever since, I have been recommending ‘Unleash Your Bigger Butt’ to all my clients.
Cynthia Trudeau, Physical Therapist Creator,
A Great Resource for Coaches & Trainers
“As a medical professional, I know the crucial importance of the buttocks and hips to movement. All body-movements are coordinated by the hip and gluteal muscles.
Many women strive to increase the size of their backside for aesthetic reasons. This was not my case. I was more interested in improving my orthopaedic and ligature functions.
I said, “What the heck” when Dr O’Brian recommended the ‘Unleash Your Bigger Butt’. After all, anything that was going to strengthen my gluteal muscles was going to improve my orthopaedic functions.
Amazingly, the program delivered more than promised. I was particularly impressed by the meditation techniques that actually got me to do the exercises; even when, I was not feeling motivated.
Given the effectiveness of this high-end and cutting-edge program, I am confidently able to maintain a small wasp waist and broad hips, over an even broader butt. Recently, one of my colleagues commented that I had the figure of Shakira.
I am obviously flattered by the increase in butt-size, which I gained, but my real satisfaction has come from the improvements in my orthopaedic function.
I am eternally grateful to Dr O’Brian for recommending me this program.”
Katherine Labinski, MS, CSCS Nurse, Palmetto Bay Clinic,
Gradually Grow a Bubble Butt
“I think the ‘Unleash Your Bigger Butt’ program is very complete in listing the possible causes of flat buttocks and the genetic aspects of flat buns.
It is detailed and to-the-point. It covers the anatomy and physiology of the posterior. From it, you’ll learn the causes of flat hindquarters and an effective remedy for it. The program lays out a series of mental and physical exercises that produce measurable results.
I was also grateful for the amino acids supplements that come along with the program. Nothing is more essential to building muscle mass than proteins.
Here is a quick tip for anyone interested in developing a Brazilian bubble butt. Proteins are the essential building block of all muscles, not just buttocks muscles. Do not fall for any buttocks-enlargement program, which does not have a proteins-regiment.
Proteins! Proteins! Proteins! That’s how new tissue is built. If you want a bigger butt, get yourself the right protein regiment.
Julia Monroe, Massage Therapist from Alberta, Canada
Don’t Have a Personal Trainer? No Problem!
“I’m not a fitness professional, just a 27 year old woman who came across your website looking for help with my unusually flat backside.
As a former college volleyball player, I found it discouraging that no one was capable of helping me remedy my problem. It’s no fun having a flat bottom. At the time, I was completely unaware, just how loose my gluteus were. That was until I found your site and ordered your exceptional program which has dramatically transformed my life!
The Unleash Your Bigger Butt program is easy to order and easy to download, no waiting for a delivery. The video presentation and visuals in the exercise program give me confidence that I am doing the exercises correctly.
This is a key issue for me because I do not have any personal trainer. As a former first division college athlete, the programs work really well for me! Keep up the good work!”
Christine Tillerson, Account Executive of Procter & Gamble Boston, MA
Grow Your Buttocks Naturally
“This is not just my informed opinion. Other medical doctors fully concur that there is a dramatic spike in interest in big butts. Unfortunately, women want big bottoms for all the wrong reasons.
It is principally the Kim-kardashian fad. A lot of young women want to be the universal center of attention, just like Kim Kardashian.
The detrimental effects of this fad are all-too-pervasive. We notice it in botched fat transfer surgeries, flesh-devouring infections and life-long scars around the hindquarters. Worse yet, there are known cases, in which, the women ended up handicapped.
Surgical interventions present UNACCEPTABLE RISKS. This is well-established scientific fact.
The right reason to develop a big butt is to signal FERTILITY.
Fertility is highest in women with a waist-to-hips ratio of 0.7. The closer your waist-to-hips ratio is to zero point seven, the more fertile you are. Men are instinctively aware of this evolutionary fact.
That’s why men’s eyes instinctively linger around the waist and buttocks region. They are evaluating the suitability of a woman to birth healthy children. In a very literal sense, a big booty is fundamental to the continuity of life.
A big butt increases female attractiveness by augmenting the curvature of the spine. It does not simply contribute to higher sex appeal, but it also boosts spinal support; thus reducing risk of injury.
Some people might consider this as quite a stretch, but studies have shown that women with bigger derrieres tend to have higher emotional intelligence and better social skills.
Big bums support and facilitate movement. If your rump is not big enough, the stress and strain from movements will be distributed to other organs such as your knees, hips, lower back and calves.
The numerous beauty and practical health advantages of having a big arse have been methodically documented by reputable medical research.
No one should doubt that natural butt development is way better than surgery. Stay away from surgery. The risks outweigh the benefits. Use the ‘Unleash Your Bigger Butt’ program. They have a proven track record of helping women grow their butts.”
Dr Nathaniel Branden, CPT, BS, BA, MS Women’s Health Clinic, 48308 Kirkland, Washington
Unleash Your Bigger Butt is a Must for Sex Appeal
“As a gym owner and personal trainer, I’m always in search of the latest techniques and exercises to help my members and clients with growth and enlargement of their hindquarters. Knowing how much people sit and unknowingly abuse their gluteus in everyday life makes ‘Unleash Your Bigger Butt’ so worthwhile.
My clients have attained phenomenal results from this program. Even though, the main objective of the program is to increase the size of your booty, the secondary benefits are even more astounding. The program contains revolutionary new techniques designed to increase your self-discipline.
By using this program, you’ll learn to defeat procrastination and motivate yourself to stay lean and sumptuous.”
Carice Van Elba, Certified Personal Trainer Health Club Owner - Clearwater, FL
Out-shine the Babes in Your Neighbourhood
“If you are an attractive woman, who relies on her physique to magnetize attention, then you must be aware of the #1 road block to your success… a flat bottom.
It’s the hidden killer of success. Women, who spend their entire work-day sitting, run the risk of constricting the blood vessels in their derriere…..a misfortune, which wreaks havoc on other areas of their body. Improving the mobility in your gluteus will give you the extra edge over the competition and improve the circulation in your buns.
The ‘Unleash Your Bigger Butt’ program is the most complete, systematic approach that I’ve ever seen on the field of Sports Medicine. The program will help you take the sculpting of your body to the next level, regardless of your current level of athleticism. The key is to begin slowly, then accelerate pace as you begin to see actual results.
Rhona Mitra, Editor of “Body Sculpture” Magazine
Improve Your Squats to Unleash Your Bigger Butt
“Over the years, I’ve assisted several clients in perfecting their squat. Your results depend on the right form. It is very simple. The right form will stimulate your gluteus maximus. The wrong form won’t.
Many people underestimate the importance of having active hamstrings and functional gluteus! A sedentary lifestyle will cause your gluteus to stiffen. The ramifications of stiff gluteus will be felt both in your lower back and hamstrings. This problem will be solved within a few weeks of using ‘Unleash Your Bigger Butt’ program.
In my experience tight glutes often result from poor squatting habits. Over time, if you fail to redress your poor squatting habits, it will lead to more serious injuries and pain further down the line, which is why, I whole heartedly recommend the ‘Unleash Your Bigger Butt’ program. Get it!”
Anne Schwimmer, BSc (Hons) Personal Trainer, Brighton, East Sussex, UK
- What makes this ‘bigger butt’ program exceptional?
I can tell you in one word: ‘self-discipline’. That’s right. The key ingredient in this program is self-discipline.
What is the point, in knowing the right action to take, if you do not take it? Results are only produced by a set of actions, repeated over a sustained period. Most people fail, not because of lack of knowledge, but because of lack of the consistent self-discipline to follow-through.
- Why are you selling this so cheap? What's the catch?
There is none. We're so pleased with the number of our customers, who have made the investment in this program and have enjoyed life-changing results.
Our aim is to make this available to as many gals as possible. We strive to welcome more people to our Vivapark audience. In addition, we're celebrating the attainment of a quarter million fans on Facebook.
- How long will it take me to do the program?
To get the quickest results, you need to allocate 45minutes, for at least 5days per week.
Above all else, the implementation of this program needs to become a habit. The program will provide you with the step-by-step guide to build keystone habits. After a few months, these habits will become an integral part of your life.
- How long until I see results?
In just 3months, you’ll attain a guaranteed 2-inch increase in butt circumference.
Of course, your results are a function of what you do. Action produces results. To get the results, you must consistently use the program over a 3month period. Your approach has to be holistic. There are no two ways around it.
Some people expect to see results after a week. If you are one of those, better stop dreaming. It is not going to happen. If you have good genes, you’ll be able to measure a 0.5inch increase in circumference after two weeks. However, it is best, if you assume that you have normal genes like everyone else.
- Besides butt-size, does this program provide any additional benefits?
This program will effectively improve your health. You are going to feel energized and invigorated.
A bigger backside means more blood vessels supplying the genital region. This will directly improve your reproductive health and sexual experience.
Research led by Dr. Robert Kushner in Northwestern Memorial Medical Institute has proven that more flesh in the booty increases the synthesis of omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acid is a well-known catalyst for brain development.
- Can I perform the Sequential Flow, if I have a really flat booty?
Yes, of course. The program was specifically designed to help women with flat hindquarters enlarge their assets. The ‘Unleash Your Bigger Butt’ program will strengthen your hamstrings, and as a consequence, your thighs as well.
- I want to start right away. Do I have to wait for the book and videos to come in the mail?
No, there is no waiting time. You can start right now. Upon purchase, you’ll receive a download link. Within seconds, you’ll be able to download the entire set of DVDs, mp3 audio files, unique proprietary content. Unleash Your Bigger Butt never suffers any issues with delayed delivery.
- Are the exercises hard to perform?
Nope. The videos provide easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions. It is so easy; a 7year old kid can follow through. There are also progressions to make the movements more challenging if needed.
- What if the routine doesn’t work for me?
It works. Guaranteed! Nonetheless, you are under no obligation to retain the program. If you are dissatisfied for any reason, you are always welcome to return the program. You’ll get an immediate hassle-free refund with no questions asked. We stand behind this product 110% and have no problem offering a money back guarantee.
- Do I need a gym membership or any special equipment?
No, you do not need sophisticated gym equipment. An exercise mat is sufficient. You can get one of those for under $5 from Walmart. You can do this routine anywhere in a very small space. All you need is a wall to lean on for support for a couple of the movements.